Sunday 1 July 2012

General Conference... Boring? Or the best part of the year?

I used to think General Conference was so boring! Mum and Dad would come and tell us we needed to get our church clothes on because we were going to watch General Conference... On a Saturday!!! What were they thinking? Taking us away from playing (probably in the bush, or with the cows), on our only day off school, to sit and watch old men and women talk? But off we would go, chucking on our skirts, being sure to keep our shorts on underneath, and jumping in the car only to hope Mum or Dad had packed some MnM's for the two sessions. 

If you know me at all, you will know that I absolutely LOVE General conference now! Travelling to the US to visit the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Historical sites and conference in 2007, and the fact that my parents find joy in watching it (and made me go to all four session ever since I was a baby) probably plays a big part in why I love it so much. But I think the biggest reason why I now enjoy going is because the things that are said come straight from our Heavenly Father through Prophets. Whenever April and October comes around I always like to remind myself that the words that are spoken to us are direct revelation from the Lord and are things he wants us to know. Its so amazing that the Lord is speaking to people in our days. Just like the Bible! And Book of Mormon! And Joseph Smith! We are so lucky!

So, I decided to put some of my favorite talks from General Conference. Hopefully you all think they are as awesome as I do.
The Miracle of the Holy Bible- M. Russell Ballard
Choose This Day-Henry B Eyring
Testimony of the Book Of Mormon- Jeffrey R. Holland

Coming to ourselves- Robert D. Hales
Create- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
What Matters Most- Thomas S. Monson
Until we meet again- Thomas S. Monson

1 comment:

  1. Yeh, and I remember that those skirts were whipped off in the car before we even left the chapel carpark. Great memories. It was worth all those struggles to get you there just to read your words here. Soooo glad we perserviered (altho' I don't remember it being that bad really).

    Thanks for sharing your most favourite bits Jordy. Love it!
