Sunday 3 June 2012




Who ever thought I would go ahead and blog? Yeah, not me! As I was sitting in my bed tonight, searching for cool stuff on the 'Mormon Channel' I came across a video that was named 'Setting up a blog'. I didn't mean to click on it. But somehow I did. AND NOW HERE I AM!

I've been around blogging for quite sometime now, since I have a mother who LOVES it (Mum's Blog), and friends who LOVE to follow it. It's quite a bizarre concept really... People getting online, writting about every detail of their current life, and sharing it for the whole world to see.. Strange!

Who am I kidding though, I LOVE reading about peoples lives! So why not jump on the band wagon and tell everyone about my life. To be completely honest, I am the worst writer in the whole entire universe. Im pretty certain NOONE will read it because I make absolutely no sense, and I talk about the most pointless things ever (what you just read haha).

As you saw, the blog name is 'My Crazy Life' you a bit of an idea of my life at the moment! When I was younger I really don't remember life being so complicating and confusing and scary and unpredictable. Primary School was easy. Homework was little to non existent. Boys had 'Cooties'. Family consisted of Mum, Dad, Ash, Jess, Jord and Dall all under the same roof. And there was NO Facebook.

How can things change so much in the space of 10 years?

University is TOUGH. Homework consumes ones life. Boys definitely DON'T have 'Cooties', infact it's quite the opposite. Family now consists of Mum, Dad and Dall in NZ. Ash married to Matt (an add on to the family). Jess on a mission in America. And me, Jord, on my own in Sydney. And I will not even begin to describe Facebook.

I guess the real question is, Does life get crazier the older we get?

HOW EXCITING! Bring it on.


  1. Oooohhh, Jordy. I love it. Who said you couldn't write. Love it, love it, love it. Keep it going pleassseee...We want to know more (but make sure study comes first ;-)

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging! I'd love to read what you have to say. It's so nice when you get people commenting on things you write about. I now have a few blogger friends that I have never met in real life, but that's what makes it exciting!

    Don't know if you know that I have a blog too - feel free to have a look :)
    I blog about anything and everything :)


  3. This makes me so happy!!!!! Make sure you write. Lots.
